
ERC-7521 is a common intent interface designed to bring composability and interoperability to the intents ecosystem on Ethereum.

It provides a specification for smart contract wallets to support a range of Intent Standards, allowing authorization of current and future Intent Standards at sign time, thus providing a future-proof interface to the evolving intent landscape.

<aside> 🚧 This page is a work in progress subject to change as more information is added, and 7521 is updated

If you’d like to contribute to ERC-7521’s development read on below and reach out to @grantgerb on telegram.



Backends - The smart account contracts that integrate with ERC-7521 as well as additional support for account abstraction features like recovery, batch transactions, and gas abstraction. Teams already building backend infrastructure for ERC-4337 might be interested in also supporting ERC-7521 as intents serve as an attractive feature for users. They can still provide APIs to do things like submit intents to different mempools (possibly serving as a mempool aggregator). However, the previous ERC-4337 role of paymaster, which these sorts of interested teams typically provide infrastructure for, would now be more suited to the Searcher role.

Frontends - The user facing application that allows users to express their intents. This includes wallet front ends as well as teams developing DeFi dashboards. The use of ERC-7521 intents enables many features thought not to be possible in DeFi while still allowing users to maintain custody of their assets (like daily cost average buy/sell). Teams that want to provide users with access to these new features might be interested in integrating ERC-7521 intent construction mechanisms. There is also a big area for AI solutions to be explored here as well to enable users to use more natural language to describe more complicated intents.

Solvers - The entities who compete to solve user intents in exchange for some value extraction. This role might interest current MEV searchers as an additional source of revenue since ERC-7521 already uses the typical MEV rails that they will already be used to using (targeting next block inclusion, submitting bundles to builders, etc). Those interested in searching will want to work closely with intent mempools in order to obtain intents to solve while avoiding wasting time from a potential DoS attack.

Builders - The entities who compile ERC-7521 solutions together with regular MEV bundles and transactions to build blocks. This role might interest current MEV block builders as an additional source of revenue since ERC-7521 relies on the typical MEV rails that they would already be players in (compiling traditional MEV filled blocks).

Mempools - The protocols and services that allow submission and discovery of user intents as well as provide protection against DoS attack vectors. A team might be interested in operating a mempool if they already provide DeFi aggregation services or act as DeFi auction managers. Mempool operators will need to provide DoS attack protection through economic disincentives (fees), reputation systems or selective preprocessing algorithms (half solving to reduce spam). Revenue can be generated through fees from either the user facing side or the searcher facing side.


Out of Scope


Additional Resources

👾 ERC-7521 Specification

📘 Intro Blog Post

🔌 Asset Based Intent Standard Explainer

ERC-7521 Generalized Intents for Smart Contract Wallets - Presentation from Devconnect

1️⃣ ERC-7521 Spec Revision 1

🤖 Calldata Compression

Community Calls

ERC-7521 Community Call #1

ERC-7521 Community Call #2

ERC-7521 Community Call #3

Get Involved

Ethereum Magicians Discussion Thread

💬 Telegram group